Flavio Tiberti
Flavio Tiberti's research started from the influence of the social setting in the communication and integration struggle in contemporary life.
Psychological depth and introspective exploration now represents the main feature of his work. A sharp connection between the portrait and the still life genres allows the exploitation of every photographic potential as a medium to translate and represent the world.

He believes that through photography we can reach a contamination of senses that breaks the synthesis of the photogram and releases unexpected reactions. And the role and responsibility of the artist is essential: he can and must propose a different perspective on the world, filtered by his own analysis.

In 2004 he's in New York for a contrasting work, a gentle depiction of the violence seeded in the city after the Twin Tower attack, prelude to the "New York Stories" anthology.
Then the first group exhibitions in Los Angeles, where he has shown his works three times, the last in 2008.
During the following years, several solo and group exhibitions from Berlin to Turin, from Rome to Palermo.
His last solo was UnitedstateS, held in Genoa, Italy, in October 2016.

